Uncovering the value of the hurting and those with disabilities through Christ alone.

Greetings! We are Paul and Tabitha Norris, a married couple from Post Falls, Idaho. Tabitha is wheelchair dependent with muscular dystrophy, and Paul is her caregiver. While all people are priceless because God created them, the value of people with disabilities is often forgotten because of their broken fleshly vessel. We want all to see the hidden treasures in these broken vessels, and how Christ desires to use them for God's glory! Together we seek to encourage broken and hurting, equip Christians and churches for disability ministries, and exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by...
Visiting and assessing local churches in order to form or improve disability ministries. We are also seeking support and partnerships for our ministry.
Hosting a podcast that introduces and encourages people with disabilities of all kinds.
Assisting those with disabilities in finding Bible-preaching churches where they can freely minister and be part of a local church family.
Creating and sharing biblical content in music and social media to encourage and equip the saints.

Our Story
Paul came to know Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at the young age of nine. Through various hardships in life, including the loss of his father to cancer, Paul learned to cling to the faithfulness and goodness of God. Out of the depths of compassion and experience as a full-time caregiver to his beloved wife, Tabitha, Paul is able to encourage and teach other families affected by disability.
Tabitha, too, placed her faith in Christ at a young age. After many years of struggling with an undiagnosed condition that left her wheelchair dependent, she was finally diagnosed with merosin-deficient muscular dystrophy in the summer of 2017. For a period, she wrestled with despair, until God transformed her attitude, bringing her to a place of peace and contentment. She rejoices in the LORD, knowing His grace is sufficient and His power is unlimited!
Tabitha’s disease continues to advance, but her and Paul’s joy in Jesus remains unshaken. Their unique testimony of God’s grace led not only to a ministry for the underprivileged in India, but also to the development of Broken Vessels, Hidden Treasures and speaking engagements in schools, churches, and conferences around the United States.
Paul and Tabitha currently reside in Northern Idaho. The Norrises love to share how God’s power is perfected and magnified in weakness. They desire to encourage all those who are hurting to rest in God’s strength and goodness through the storms of life!